
2004 Index

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2003 Index

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2002 Index

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2001 Index

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2000 Index

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August 2001 - Welcome

This is the first time the boys and I went in from Opeongo. Previously we always started from Canoe Lake.

We thought we might get away from the crowds by going further east. Surprisingly 5 kM portages don't seem to bother people (perhaps they don't realize what they are getting into until it's too late.

In our case the longest total portage was 5.8 kM done in 4 hops, with one being 2.8 kM in length.

Unfortunately we still require double carries, so 5.8 becomes 17.4 kM. For me that essentually means carry the canoe, walk back and get the main pack. ...at least it's good exercise.

Our objective is to get away from the hussle & bussle, and enjoy nature.

This year I also took in a camcorder. I just need to find time to post some of the highlights.

Photo Index

Click a photo in the list below to jump to the page where it is. Return by clicking your browser's "Back" button; now you're ready to click another photo.

PhotoDescription PhotoDescription
"Real Food" Portage store, Canoe lake "Blueberry Island"
"Blueberry Island" "Blueberry Island"
"Downtown" Brent "Easy Chair"
"This Is What Killed Tom Thomson" ?
? ?
...Back To The Drawing Board None to be seen 1335 m To Longer Lake
2003 Rental Rates 2004 Outfitting Rates
2004 Rental Rates A Beautiful Day
A Beautiful Day A Beautiful Scene
A Beaver Dam A Calm & Peaceful Evening
A Camp Site On Philip Lake A Cottage On Radiant
A Cottage Seen, But Easily Forgotten A New Day
A Place To Watch The World Go By A Toad
After Going Over Beaver Dam After Portage To Timberwolf
Algonquin Outfitters - Brent Algonquin Outfitters - Brent
Almost Back To The First Portage An Alien?
An Easy 735 m Portage Ahead An Island On Catfish Lake
An Old Beaver Dam No longer stops water An Old Beaver Lodge
An Old Beaver Lodge An Old Railway Bridge
Another Beautiful Day Another Canoe
Another Day Done Another Happy Camper
Another Lovely Water Lily Another Moose
Another Side Another Water Fall - Lower
Another Water Fall - Middle Another Water Fall - Top
Any More Life Preservers? Anyone For A 3750 m Portage? It's steeper than it looks!
Anyone Want To Carry A Canoe 3½ Km Approaching A Beaver Dam
Approaching Another Water Fall Approaching Otter Slide
Approaching The 2.3 "Killer" At The End
Bacon First morning's breakfast Bauly Specialty Foods, Mississauga Ont. Individual packages
Bay On Catfish Taken From A Cliff Beautiful
Beautiful Day Beautiful Patterns In The Sky
Beautiful Patterns In The Sky Beautiful Sunset!
Beautiful Sunset! Beautiful Sunset!
Beautiful! Beautiful!
Beaver Dam Between Little Doe & Tom Thompson Beaver Dam
Beaver Dam On Way To Tom Thomson Lake Bee Getting Nector
Being "Attacked" By Ducks Bggar Lake
Bggar Lake Bggar Lake
Bggar Lake Big Crow Campsite
Big Trout Big Trout
Big Trout (north end) Big Trout Lake
Bigger Beach Blow Down
Blow Down Blue Heron
Blue Heron Blue Heron
Blue Heron Blue Heron
Blue Heron Ahead Blue Heron In Distance
Blueberries Boaters On Canoe Lake
Brdge Under Old Railway Tracks Brent
Brent Across Cedar Lake Bridge At Bottom Of Joe Lake
Bright Red Berries Brownie Ready To Be Gobbled Down
Bunchberry Burnroot Camp Site
Burnt Root In The Evening Bush
Busy Beavers Calm Evening
Calm Next Day Camp Arowhon On Teepee Lake
Camp Arowhon On Teepee Lake Camp Fire
Camp Fire Camp Fire
Camp Ground Office Camp On Philip
Camp Site Camp Site After Paddling Rough Waters This was the site we hoped to get
Camp Site At Otter Slide Lake Camp Site By The Dam
Camp Site On Big Trout Lake Camp Site On Burnt Root Lake
Camp Site On Cauchon Lake Camp Site On Macintosh with nice rock to jump into the lake
Camp Site On Misty Camp Site On Radiant Lake
Camp Site On Tom Thomson Camp Site Swimming Pool
Camp Site With One Pack Hung Campsite Ho! McIntosh Lake
Can You Spot The Tiny Mushrooms Canoe Down Crow River
Canoe Lake Canoe Lake
Canoe Lake Acess Point Click on the large picture to see a number of canoes already on their way Canoe Loaded On Car
Canoe Loaded On Van Canoeing Along
Catfish Lake Cauchon Lake
Cedar Lake Checking Out Shallow Rapids
Chipmonk Chipmonk
Cliff Face Close To The Portage
Clouds Moving In Clouds Over The Lake
Coffee Cake Ready To Eat Colourful Sunset
Coniferous Forest Contrasting Clouds
Cooking Area Note old table sheltering the camp fire Cooking Pizza Supreme
Cooking Powdered Scrambled Eggs Cooling Off With A Real Apple
Cottage At Top Of Canoe Lake Crayfish
David & Alan David Enjoying The View
David With His Crossbow Day Trip To Historic Site Burnt Root
Different Angle Difficult Obstacle With Branches Under The Water
Dinner Of Rice, Beef & Peas Dinner Ready For Water & Cooking Rice, freeze dried chicken, peas, corn, and soup mix
Direction Of Tomorrow's Adventure Dishes Waiting To Be Washed
Dishes Waiting To Be Washed Don't Let Go
Downtown Brent Drying Our Tent It Had Felt Like We Were On A Water Bed -- Pine Needles Had Been Acting Like A Dam
Ducks Ducks
Ducks Ducks Resting
Eager To Start Eating Breakfast Oatmeal
Eating Coffee Cake Eating Lunch At The End Of A Portage
Empty Camp Site On The Point End of 2300m Portage "The Killer" (since it's the first major portage)
End of Another Portage Timberwolf Lake End of the First Portage To Joe Lake
Energy Check! We love this stuff Evening Calm Good time for a canooodle
Evening Sky Expert Water Pumper
Fallen Tree Fern
Final Look Back Before Setting Off On the First Portage Finished Pumping Water + Washing Dishes
First Camp Site First Moose Sighting
First Moose Sighting Flowering Bush
Forest Behind Macintosh Camp Site Freeze Dried Dinner
Freeze Dried Dinner rice plus freeze dried chicken, corn and soup mix Freeze Dried Food Sample dinner for two
Fresh Beaver Dam Fresh Blueberry Pancakes
Fresh Water Clam Fresh Water Clams - An Otter's Delight
Frog Frog
From Portage On Tom Thompson (The lake is around a peninsula in front) From The Back
Fungi Fungi
Fungi Fungi
Fungi Fungi
Fungi Fungi
Getting Ready For Blueberry Pancakes Getting Ready To Go Over A Beaver Dam
Gibson Camp Site Complete With Picnic Table ! Gibson Lake
Golfing In The Wild Good Swimming Spot
Guided Group (Out For The Day) Looking back along the portage Hanging Packs
Having Fun On A Sandy Beach Heading Into A Storm On Cedar
Heading Into Big Trout Heading Into Hogan Lake
Heading Off On An Adventure Heading To Catfish Lake
Heading To Hogan Heading To Ink Lake From Macintosh
Heading To Little Otter Slide Heading to Our First Camp Site
Hiking Through The Woods How Tall Are They?
I Wonder What This Had Been Used For Imagine Hearing Absolute Silence!
Indian Pipe Indian Pipe
Indian Pipe Indian Pipe
Indian Pipe Flower Infant Beaver Dam
Ingenuity At Work Ink Lake
Ink Lake to McIntosh Insects On Water Surface
Interesting Clouds Interesting Mushroom
Iris versicolor Iris versicolor
Iris versicolor Iris versicolor
Iris versicolor Iris versicolor growing right in the water
Islands, etc McIntosh Lake Isolation Of Living In Brent
Jake At Algonquin Outfitters Brent Store Jake In The Brent Store
Jeffrey Jeffrey Dwarfed By A Huge Tree
Joe Lake & Arowhon Pines Lodge July 16th Ready and eager to go
Just Add Water Then Bring To a Boil Kybo Anyone? Shippagew Lake
Lac La Muir Shoreline Lady Slipper Orchid Without Seed Pod
Lake Lakeshore on Lac La Muir
Large Open Site later That Day We Got Soaked In A Rain Storm
Leaves Of ? Leaving "The Killer"
Leaving Camp Site Lichens
Life Jacket Raft Lily Pads
Lily Pads Lily Pads -- Perfect Spot For Seeing Moose
Loadin / Unloading Area Lone Cedars
Lone Tall Tree Looking Down Longer Lake
Looking Into The Clouds Looking North On Cedar Lake
Looking Toward Camp Site On Misty Looking Toward Kiosh Camp Grounds
Looking Towards Portage Store Loon
Loon & Her Chick Loons
Loons Loons
Lovely View Of The Lake Raspberries in the foreground Lovely Water Fall
Low Tech Warcraft Lunch At Portage Fron Longer to Burnt Root Lakes Peanut butter & jam plus cheese whiz sandwiches
Lunch Finished; Ready To Set Out Lunch! End of first portage
Macintosh Camp Site - Another Side Macintosh Camp Site - One Side
Making Pizza Supreme Making Your Own Toys
Manitou Lake Marked Trail To ? Back in the woods (stopped where it became swampy)
Marsh Area Mashmallows
Mirror Reflection the Next Morning Mist In the Lake Shadows
Misty Lake Moose
Moose Moose Picture taken by the side of Hwy 60
Moose He wasn't disturbed by our presence Moose & Calf
Moose & Calf - closeup Moose & Her Calf
Moose Escaping Into Tall Grass Moose Print In The Sand
More Clouds Over The Lake More Happy Campers
More Storm Clouds More Than 14 Loons Travelling Together
Mushroom Mushroom
Mushroom Mushroom
Mushroom Mushroom
Mushroom Mushroom
Mushroom Mushroom
Mushroom Mushroom
Mushroom Mushroom
Mushroom Mushroom
Mushroom Mushroom - Side
Mushroom - Side Mushroom - Top
Mushroom - Top Mushroom Fully Open
Mushroom Opening Mushrooms
Mushrooms Mushroon
N/A Napping (actually finished setting up sleeping bags)
Nature At Its Best Nature At Our Door
Nearly Back To Civilization Neil Seeing Us Off
New Outdoor Canoe Rental Area Next Day
No Bear's Getting These Packs North End Of Manitou Lake
North Tea Lake North Tea Lake
Nostalgia Inside The Brent Store Nostalgia Inside The Brent Store
Nostalgia Inside The Brent Store Nostalgia Inside The Brent Store
Nostalgia Inside The Brent Store Nostalgia Inside The Brent Store
Not A Sole In Site Obstacle To Go Under
Obstacles Old Beaver Dam Destroyed By Heavy Spring Flow
Old Wooden Bridge By Portage Old Wooden Dam
Old Wooden Dam From Different Perspective On The
On Way To White Trout Lake One Happy Camper
One Happy Camper One Side Of Big Trout Camp Site
One Tent Went Here One Wave Of The Storm Passes And Another Approaches
Open Area In The Woods Presumably farmed; slowly being reforested Opeongo
Orange Fungus Orchid
Ospery Circling Overhead Other Returnees Unloading
Otter Slide Lake Camp Site Otter Slide to Little Otter Slide Lakes
Otter Swimming Past Our Camp Site
Our Camp Site Our Tent
Our Tent Outdoor Kitchen
Outlet Of Falls On Cedar Overcast Burnt Root
Packed Up, But Not In A Rush Packing Sleeping Bags
Packing Up For New Adventures We got soaked when it rained on the second portage Packs & Kybo (no racoon this year)
Packs Hanging In A Tree (aside: a hare was often seen in the area) Paddling Down The Lake
Pancakes Pancakes Anyone?
Peace Peaceful Catfish Lake
Peanut Butter & Jam Pesto Pizza
Petawawa Philip Lake
Philip Lake Shoreline Picturesque
Picturesque Picturesque
Picturesque Stream On Longer Lake Pine Cone Soldier In His Hut
Pizza Anyone? Playing A Game Before Nightfall
Playing Games On A Palm Playing In The Lake
Playing Tip-The-Canoe Playing With Pine Cones
Playing With Pine Needles, etc. Playing Yatzee
Playing Yatzee In The Sand Pop In Hand After Picking Up 6 Loaves Of Bread
Portage Dock Portage Finished
Portage Finished; Ready To Go On Portage Store
Portage Store - Canoe Lake Portage Store Dock
Portage Store Dock Powdered Scrambled Eggs
Preparing Dinner Pumping Much Needed H2O
Purchases Quiet Time
Quiet Time On Cedar Radiant Lake
Rapids To Portage Around Reaching A Small Lake
Reading & Tending Desert Ready For A New Adventure
Ready For Floating Ready For Swimming
Ready To Go Ready To Go
Ready To Go Ready To Head For Home
Ready To Head Out The Next Day Ready To Leave A Damp Day
Ready To Leave Ready To Set Off On A Long Day
Ready To Set Out Red Squirrel
Remains Of A Cottage Remains Of A Wooden Dam
Rental Fees Rental Fees
River River To Macintosh
River Travel Toward Philip Lake Rock Tripe Anyone hungry?
Rocks To Portage Around Rosebary Camp Site - One Side
Rosebary Camp Site - The Other Side Rosebary Lake
Rough Water Sail Boat Ahead On Teepee Lake
Sandy Beach Sawing Wood
Scott & Donna Naeser Sharing a camp site on the Tim River Sea Gull
Sea Gull Sea Gulls
Seagull Rock Set To Head Out
Setting Off On A 2 Week Adventure Setting Up The Tent
Shallow Lake Sharing A Camp Site
Shifting To Another Campsite Shimmering Big Trout Lake
Site On Cedar Sitting Around
Sleepyheads Slight Sunset
Small Water Fall Smooth Sailing Ahead
Solid Campfire Bench Someone Built A Lean-To
Something Special About A Camp Fire Somewhere People Are Getting Soaked
Spare Time Sparkling Lac La Muir
Sparkling Lac La Muir Spectacular
Steady As She Goes Storm Passing To The South
Storng Winds Or Weak Tree Trunk Sunset
Sunset Sunset
Sunset Sunset
Sunset Sunset
Sunset Sunset
Sunset Sunset
Sunset - Centre Sunset - Left
Sunset - Right Sunset On Gibson Lake
Swimming Swimming
Swimming Swinging Around To Pick Up The Boys
Tad Pole Tending The Camp Fire
Tent In The Woods Tent In The Woods
That Evening That Portage Was No Sweat
The Boys The Boys
The Boys Ready For A Final Portage The Dam
The Next Morning The Other Damp Gear Drying
The Other Went Here Fire place just beyond the tent The Rapids
The Water Was Deeper Than Expected The Water's Getting A Little Deeper
The Whole Picture The Wooden Dam From Below
The Writing's On The Wall This Is The Life
This Is What I See Through An Old Wooden Dam
Tillium Undulatum Seed Pod Tim River
Timberwolf to Misty Lakes Tired After 2.3 KM Portage -- ("1½ Carries")
Tom Thomson Burger Top Of The Water Fall
Tourists Towering Pines
Trains Used To Run Along Here Treasures From Long Ago
Trees Trying To Grow On Rock Hill Trillium undulatum
Twilight I Twilight II
Very Unusual Deer Sighting View From "Blueberry Island"
View From Burnt Island Lake Camp Site View To Left
View To The East View To The West
Waiting Waiting For Dad to Finish Taking Pictures
Waiting To Leave Walking A Rapids
Walking The Portage Heading back south Walking The Rapids
Water Fall Water Fall
Water Lily Water Lily
Water Lily Water Lily
Water Taxi Waterfall On The Petawawa River
Waterlily Well Preserved
We're Almost Back What Canoe Camping's All About
What Time Is It I'm pumping water, not looking at my watch What We Portaged Around
What We Portaged Around What We Portaged Around
Where Are We Going Next? Where Is A Genetic Engineer When You Need One
Where We Are Headed Where We Came From
Where We're Headed Who Needs A Canoe
Wider Angle Wider Section Of The Tim River
Wild Berries Wild Blueberries
Wild Flower Wild Flower
Wild Flower Wild Flower
Wild Flower Wild Flower
Wild Rose Wild Rose Along The Tim River
Wind Dancing On The Waves Wooden Train Bridge
Woodland Plant Working Together On Breakfast
Wow Wow
Yellow Birch Yellow Water Lily
Yet Another Beaver Dam Yours Truly
Yours Truly Yours Truly
Yours Truly Yours Truly

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